Is it ever too late to do anything in life? Motivational speech

Image result for tony robbinsImage result for tony robbins
Hello :) recently, I've been a little down on myself and I know we can all get like this, we can easily have those off days where everything is going wrong. Or we are simply being too tough on ourselves. As for myself lately I've been comparing myself to others or in general feel pressured by social norms or expectations, i.e by 20 you should be in college/finishing a i.e 4 year degree, bachelors or starting your career, or maybe you started late into university but there's nothing wrong with that sometimes it gives you a maturity advantage, after all why are we told to pick our career at 17 or 18 when if we got tattoed for example at 17 or 18, it's something that similarly stays with you for life and is a big choice and commitment, yet if we are told don't get a tattoo until you are in your 20's or 25 and older or you will regret it, then why are we told to make one of the biggest decisions in our life when we are still learning and experiencing more of this world as young adults, how the social norm or paths aren't always the ones everyone goes on and ventures on. Or people who never got their license at say 16/17 or whichever age they can get their learner's license, and waited until they were 21, 24 or whichever age to learn to drive, the outcasts or the ones that have fears or just never really prioritized on those things or needed them at the time. 

The people who expect you to have a steady career by a certain age and be raising a family or happily married and have maybe even children by a certain time. Or to have your own apartment, not be living with your parents or the classic lazy adult still living at home. There are so many society pressures, unwritten rules, stigma or pressure within ourselves, pressure from our parents or other things, and anxiety can easily get in the way of that and our goals, it lies to us that if we don't have certain things or do certain things we are odd. But in reality there is no right or wrong, there is no certain path or standard life, we are all beautifully different we all have our different unique stories and life experiences good and bad, our setbacks and our triumphs, and learning growth. Life happens, shit happens, unexpected problems, or fears we can't simply seem to get over without outside help. But whatever it is, whichever your case, the reality and truth is that it's never too late for anything. It's never too late to become someone you are proud of it be requiring change, or just pure acceptance. Why else do we hear about 40 , 50, 60-year-olds that go back to college to become doctors or to have a career change or just study what interests them. Why else do people stop smoking in their 50's or 30's or any age for that matter for a healthier and positive change, or lose weight and start exercising. Why else do we travel, date, start a new business, pick up new hobbies, learn a new instrument, take spontaneous cooking classes or painting classes, donate or volunteer in our community. Start businesses, or life epiphanies and new purpose or goals, it be ending a bad relationship, starting a new one, reading more books, learning ukulele, singing, putting up a new restaurant, attending seminars and motivational speeches, going for runs, walks/jogs early morning, quitting coffee or changing diets, sleeping more. Learning new languages! Moving abroad, studying abroad, volunteering abroad, doing a post-graduate, getting your ged diploma or whatever it is.
You can do it! I can do it! We all can do it! There is no set path, some people have children at 40 or older some much younger than the normal, some get out of prison and completely change their lives's and help others, some dedicated to teaching others from their mistakes or their inspirational rough life journeys. Don't worry so much, it won't happen overnight but little steps, little itty bitty baby steps in the right direction will amount to a snowball effect, the finish line isn't as far as you think if you only just keep sticking to it, your habits will grow, and it's much easier then you can ever imagine on the other side. The entrepreneurs, the adventurers, the enthusiasts, the bubbly positive people, the genuine kind and loving people, we are all one big family just helping eachother find their own unique life journeys, so don't compare yourself to people, you will one day reel in that confidence, reel in the benefits and self-love and accomplish what you've set out for yourself, be happy live happy, do what you want  and learn to let go of the stigma or stereotypes and things that don't help you get what you want, what you think you attract, so think big, think positive! And never stop! Just keep going and you'll realize easy or not it will all be worth it.

-Take care and here's to a wonderful life journey for you, and for all of us!

P.S If we didn't all have something we wanted to work on why else would Anthony Robbins (Tony Robbins- motivational speaker) be so famous. but the key is in not judging ourselves, it's in motivating ourselves, inspiring ourselves to become the best version of ourselves as we can, however you define or imagine that.  And just living the life we want to live without the hating when we forget to stick with new habits or new goals, or just complete acceptance. Instead, why not nurture and harvest whatever it is you want to attract. Sometimes it takes a couple tries at a goal and mistakes and thats okay! You do you, have patience :) and you'll be surprised at the results!


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