A How to in dept guide for mental health resources and getting help ( written for suicide survivors loss and support Facebook page)

It’s so touching ❤️😣but sad to see how many people have lost loved ones to depression and suicide/mental illness, it’s a hole in your heart that can never be replaced, grief comes in waves 🌊 some days it’s better other days it’s a struggle. 

(Ps. I know this will be a long post but if it can help someone then it’s worth reading)

Even though I have not lost a loved one close to me yet, I know what it’s like to battle anxiety, depression, self harm, suicidalness / suicide attempts especially in the past. So I hope this post serves as some insight and help. And even though I’m much much better now and have seeked lots of help such as avid counselling, meditation, watching Ted talks, learning calming/ grounding techniques, reading mental health or psychology books etc🧘‍♀️ and doing things to help me overcome a lot of struggles, panic attacks, anxiety attacks and low self esteem. But I know it’s not an easy journey but definitely one worth it. • I just want for anyone out there who is struggling right now, perhaps knows someone else such as a friend / family member who is currently struggling, or even sadly has known someone who has lost their battle to mental health 😞 whichever it is. I want you to know:  that you are NOT weak you have just been strong for too long, YOU matter, there is no shame in talking about your struggles or reaching out for help. You are not flawed, you’ve just been through a lot. This group page is a beautiful family that unites us through our sorrows and our stories. 
It’s a welcoming and beautiful place as it is such a gentle vulnerable place to experience such tragedies and be brave to share something many people are taught is not supposed to be talked about, or common to express as it could be taboo and stigmatized. Well I hope that stigma will continue to go away through more years of normalizing that it’s okay to talk about our troubles. It’s not something to be ashamed about at all, if anything it takes strength and bravery in realizing somethings might require outside help wether you can confide in a teacher, a friend, a parent, high school counsellor or clinical counsellor, life coach, crisis line etc whichever it is. You are worthy of love, ❤ of being heard, accepted and of being helped. I hope that through my struggles I can one day become a counsellor who has had lived experience with mental illness and be able to help others when they need it the most, it’s my purpose in life to learn from all I’ve been through the good and the bad and help others who are in current similar situations and just need someone to be able to talk to about how they feel. 

No one deserves to live life suffering and it’s so hard to understand depression and such strong emotions but I hope it can get better one day through school prevention programs, more mindfulness and mental health education and skills being taught at an earlier age, covered insurance for counselling. Or many other ways to make a true change for what is incredibly hard losing someone to such a tragedy πŸ˜• 😞 . Believe me from first-hand experience it’s tough having to battle your thoughts every day, it’s tough being your own worst enemy, the anxiety, the lies your brain tells you that you’re not good enough, you’re worthless, you won’t ever amount to anything, all those dark thoughts and heavy negative self talk and feelings that feel like you are the only person in the world who has those thoughts and feelings. But there are millions of people who struggle too. It’s okay not be okay it’s okay to need help, it makes you stronger for reaching out then to keep it all to yourself. Especially if it means you get better. Something I like to live by is this quote:    

   “You never know what battles someone is secretly going through so be kind always”

Sometimes the happiest person can be the saddest person, mental health comes disguised in many forms. Always include everyone make everyone feel welcome and not left alone and feeling like an outsider, say hi, make conversation. Always be considerate, thoughtful and caring for others, even strangers. You never know how far a small act of kindness and action will go for someone, you never know how something could potentially save someone’s life or give them purpose, meaning and validation, even in the smallest tiniest way. You might never know, but believe me it will help someone out there!

• If someone ever reaches out to you about depression, anxiety or any struggle 
Just be there for them, listen to them it’s okay not to know the answers or what to say, sometimes people just want to know there’s someone out there for them to help them when things get tough, and sometimes it’s hard for them to reach out because they don’t want to burden you with their problems, fear being judged or don’t know how to express themselves or even understand what they are going through. 
Let them know what resources there are out there that might help them not feel so alone and hopeless. It’s hard finding what helps someone for some it’s music, walks, nature, animals, exercise, counselling, sleeping more, eating healthier, finding new activities, making new friends, yoga, meditation, dancing, reading, self-care tips etc what works for one person may not work for another, talk therapy, medication , anti-depressants etc. And that’s perfectly okay it may take time to find what thing helps you but little things help manage what can be a hard disease. 
There are ways to help manage those strong feelings wether it be you or someone else you know affected. ⭐️ and remember • just because it’s a mental health invisible disease you can’t physically see yourself doesn’t mean it’s not real. We should take care of our mind wellness just as much or more than we do our physical wellness. 
Just like we do going to the doctor, going for mental health help should be treated the same. We can have an idea of how much pain someone is in when we can see physical wounds and fractures but for mental pain we cannot compare or bellittle what someone is feeling. Because we cannot see it and sometimes your thoughts make or break you. Daily thoughts day in and day out.

Try to be empathetic, be compassionate even if you don’t understand what someone is going through try not to judge, validate their feelings, and try to understand where they are coming from, you never know if that could help save someone’s life 😞. 
And if you can share your own stories of overcoming mental health struggles and give them hope and inspiration, or find someone who can, such  as a peer support worker, social worker, case manager, psychologist, psychiatrist etc anyone who could help then please do that. Therapy can be cheap or expensive but know that in extreme cases of need or someone really willing to get help or can’t afford counselling, mental health counsellors and some workers have certain voluntary hours or spots for new patients monthly (correct me if I’m wrong) they can sometimes give for free to patients in desperate need. So feel free to ask email or call services such as that if you or someone you know really needs it and can’t afford it.
I hope to study psychology and mental health counselling and help make a difference in someone’s life because if I could do that then that means that all I’ve gone through will have been worth for something bigger than myself. To care for others and help prevent more families from the burden of losing someone as best as I possibly can.
I hope to currently apply and hopefully get to train to become certified as a volunteer crisis counsellor and help people in any state of desperate need get the help they need. This can vary from just having a really bad day, lots of anxiety, going through hard  life problems and changes and needing someone to talk to, going through a break up, feeling lonely, to having suicidal thoughts. Raise money for charities, non-profits for a cause you care about, start one yourself! Or help fund/ raise money for mental health projects.Reach out to your community resource centre and ask what’s available near you for getting help or for helping raise money and awareness. Look up online as well. “Psychology Today” is a great resource to find local counsellors, workshops, grief, addiction, or mental health support groups and other things.

I also know a great positive resource and online community such as this page, which is an amazing  website/app called “The Mighty” I highly recommend it! It’s beautiful articles based on mental health positivity and a community of forums, mental health resources, questions, help  and self expression.


As well as Insight Timer app and Headspace for help with coping skills, managing stress etc, positive mindfulness.

As for crisis numbers I know in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ the kids help phone line even though adults can use it too, provides free online counselling live chat as well as a call line 
And a text line
1-800-668-6868 or text 686868

Or for the U.S and perhaps other places too 1-800-273-8255 (TALK).

• As well as Canada Uk US and possibly even more places (for those who get phone anxiety when calling a crisis line, you can now instead have the option of free texting πŸ™‚ and messaging instead of calling for help, if that text option makes you more at ease for getting help. More comfortable, and it’s all anonymous.) If that’s your case

Text 741 741 
And you will receive help from a trained volunteer professional

• As free or affordable online counselling expands such as https://www.betterhelp.com you will be able to find more services for sure, but these are just a few current ones.
I wish you all the best in life ❤️❤️❤️ I give you all a tight hug πŸ€— 

And hope that you struggle a little less each day and can help advocate for mental health or help others in whichever way you may do that or define that. 
I wish you all the very best in life

- Take care, much love to everyone 
Love, Laura
Greetings from Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ if anyone needs anything feel free to add me on Facebook or private message me as well πŸ™‚ .
Hope I could help a little 😣


Please share this information or post to whoever may need it. Thank you and may you all have a wonderful day ☀️


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