
Hello!  ๐Ÿ˜‡

 So here goes for a little about me :)๐ŸŒธ

/My Mental Health Journey (✷✸tiny disclosure warning)

      Hi! ๐Ÿ˜ŠMy name is Laura Alejandra, I'm from Canada. My birthday is on September 8, 1999, so I'm currently 19. I was born in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico and have been living in Canada since I was 6 or 7 years old. I’ve moved around a lot in Canada since I first arrived in B.C. ; New Westminster, Surrey (Fleetwood, Cloverdale/Clayton Heights, White Rock). And now in Ontario.  I speak both Spanish and English and I'm seeing to learn more languages :)  Japanese, Hawaiian, etc. I have a Husky-German-Shepherd mix dog named “Dallas”,๐ŸถI love to dance, volunteer (before at the YMCA). I love kind, thoughtful and funny/unique people, Harry Potter, bike rides๐Ÿšฒwith my hyper lovely dog.๐Ÿ•‍๐Ÿพ Music, art, comedy shows like Brooklyn-99Friends, and How I Met Your Mother๐Ÿ“บ Currently, I have only recently found out just how good Game Of Thrones is haha and catching up to the seasons, before the last of season 8.

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Meet my dog :D :) "Dallas!"

Image may contain: dog and indoorImage may contain: dog
sleepy doggy

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Me:) !

    I also have had lived experience with Mental Health issues, it runs in my family and so I've had it for several years now, depression, anxiety, I used to self-harm and had several Suicide attempts in the past. So I realize more than anything, how dark life can get. But also how beautiful and hopeful it can be and how much stronger you become, when you overcome obstacles. I have now come to realize that you are not weak, you have just been strong for too long dealing with all the things in your head. For me developing experience with mental health has been incredibly confusing, because I am naturally a really happy, positive, easygoing person, I like to have fun and I am always kind/ thoughtful to others. Therefore learning how to maintain and control my mental health,  has helped me be much happier once again.

    Over the years, receiving counselling, getting help, avidly attending mindfulness classes, watching Ted Talks, doing everything and anything to get better, surrounding myself around positive people and co-workers. Exercise, eating well and the list goes on. Currently, I aspire to study Psychology to help others in life through counselling. I have gotten so much better, and I believe my life's purpose is to help people in need like I was helped when I needed it the most.
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   So I'm here to help people have a friend they can count on if they need one, no matter what age, situation, or your background :). As well as help guide you with mindful tips on how to balance as much as you can what can be a hard mental health disorder or just general life! We all could benefit :D from a little relaxation time and tips on how to balance all the busyness of life.

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   So take good care of yourself, love yourself and most of all be easy on yourself! Not often do we realize how mean we can be to ourselves, yet if we speak out loud you realize that a human with your worth can improve on self-compassion and positive self-talk, so I'm here to teach you ways to go about that :) < 3.

Have a lovely day my little mindfulness family.


~ Laura

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